SGCH Barnowl Bewitched *M
American cream, DOB: 05/2001-08/2013
S: +*B Miscellaneous Sid’s Caesar
SS: ++*B Lucky Star’s B Desperado
SD: GCH Miscellaneous Sid’s Sidney 3*M
D: Tempo Mariah’s Sabrina
DS: *B Rockin-CB Ensign
DD: Tempo Mariah’s Selena
Bewitched’s ADGA Genetics Pedigree
“BWitch” is very much the herd matriarch and the incredible doe who put the Barnowl herd on the proverbial map. She excels across the board as a large-framed doe with a capacious, well-structured mammary system, superb body capacity, and simply exudes dairy character from her flat, open ribbing to her pliable skin. Her progeny have demonstrated consistent strength in dairy character and general appearance, as well as with capacity and correctness of mammary system. Much can be said about BWitch, but we believe she has spoken quite well for herself.
Progeny include:
SGCH Barnowl Buffy 2*M (owned by Raintree Dairy Goats)
GCH Barnowl Cirque du Soleil 2*M (deceased, owned by New Dreams Dairy Goats)
SGCH Barnowl Hockus Pockus
SGCH Barnowl Abracadabra 2*M (deceased, owned by Purple Thistle)
GCH Barnowl Golden Compass 2*M (owned by Kickapoo-Valley)
+*B SGCH Barnowl Gandalf
Barnowl Wicked (deceased, owned by Tom Brown)
CH Barnowl Charmed 2*M
Barnowl Firefly
CH Barnowl Enchanted 2*M
Barnowl Occult
Barnowl Alchemy