Barnowl Quinn
Purebred white with wattles, DOB: 03/2013
S: *B Kastdemur’s Honor
SS: *B Shammy’s Bad Media Frenzy
SD: SGCH Kastdemur’s Citrillion 3*M
D: CH Barnowl Quaffle
DS: ++B SG Kickapoo-Valley Travis
DD: SGCH Barnowl Quidditch 2*M
Quinn’s ADGA Genetics Pedigree
Quinn is the littermate sister to our 2013 ADGA Spotlight Sale consignment Barnowl Quest (special thank you to Catherine Deeds for her purchase). As confident as we were to nominate Quest as a Spolight buck is on par with her confidence in his sister to become a truly spectacular doe right in line with her dam Quaffle. Quinn displays beautiful dairy strength and smoothness of blending, along with great width throughout making it easy to envision a lovely Q-line mammary maybe even brought up a notch or two in the rear udder and teat placement thanks to Citrillion’s influence.
We really loved the way this doe freshened. A truly lovely rear udder as predicted with strong teat placement, but most of all one hell of a fore udder. Her general appearance also came along quite nicely as a two-year old with great length and levelness. In a year of heavy culls, she was the last to be sold from our 2 year old cohort and she was only made available because her new owner at Left Foot Farm could provide her with a good home where she could be on milk test and regular LA, maybe even a show now and then. We are sad to see her go, but know she will have a good life at her new home.

SGCH Kastdemur's Citrillion 3*M
1-03 FS86 VEVV; 2-06 FS92 EEEE
2003 ADGA National 1st place Intermediate Kid
2004 ADGA National 3rd place/3rd Udder Milking Yearling
2005 ADGA National 5th place Two Year-Old
2006 ADGA National 8th place Three Year-Old
Show Record: 3xGCH, 1xRGCH, 2xBOB, 3xBUOB, 1xBDIS