Barnowl Qizmet

Purebred white with black spots, DOB: 02/2020

Behind the Name

  • Kismet, from the Arabic word qisma, means fate or destiny. Our chosen spelling recognizes her sire Qamar, the Arabic word for moon, and her dam Qazam with her "z."

Sire: *B Barnowl Qamar
SS: *B Barnowl Path of Totality
SD: SGCH Barnowl Quivira *M
Dam: SG Lone Thistle Qazam 4*M 
DS: ++*B SG Barnowl Quantum Leap
DD: SGCH Barnowl Abracadabra 3*M
ADGA Genetics Pedigree

Qazam gave us buck kid after buck kid for years, so when she kidded with triplets–2 big boys and 1 little girl in 2020–we immediately set aside the little girl. Over the summer, we would lose Qazam, making Qizmet indeed our first and last keeper doe. Qizmet has the same consistency of style as the other Qamar kids, with the exception that she is most definitely a smaller kid. Her dam was nicknamed “mighty mouse,” often the smallest doe in a class but with the most correct mammary, her size didn’t hold her back from winning Best Udder of Breed and Best Udder in Show at the most competitive northwest shows and fairs. Given that mammary pedigree, we’re going to give Qizmet a chance to grow up and at least freshen before we decide if her size is going to be a challenge in our herd. We also wish the best to Qizmet’s brother Quick Trick who is enjoying the warm weather of Florida and recently finished his championship.