Barnowl Ouija

Purebred cream, DOB: 07/2018

Sire: *B Lone Thistle Bastille
SS: +*B SG Barnowl Quantum Leap
SD: SGCH Barnowl Vendredi *M
Dam: SGCH Barnowl Magical Encore 3*M
DS: +*B SG Lone Thistle Presto
DD: SGCH Barnowl Hockus Pockus 2*M
ADGA Genetics Pedigree

Tarot and Ouija are summer twins from our beautiful Encore. We rarely keep twins, but these two were born so out of season that they only had each other and they were just too adorable to break up. We are glad we kept both as Encore as proven hard to settle and we lost her stunning 2 year old daughter Seance to a heartbreaking bad kidding. Not quite as long and stylish as her sister, Ouija is dairier and more open boned throughout, she also is the “good twin,” being sweet and well-mannered compared to “Tarot the terrible,” whose mischievous attitude is quickly becoming legendary. 

We knew these were a special set of twins, we had no idea they would be this special. In a year when basically every single doe freshened beautifully, these twins freshened exceptionally. And of the two, Ouija has the slight edge in the mammary. Unfortunately, during our one and only “show day” of 2020, she was feeling under the weather and had laid down leaking out one side. Even not looking her best, our fabulous photographer Melanie who not only breeds some of the most beautiful animals in the NW, but gets to photograph most of the rest of them, picked Ouija as her favorite LaMancha of the day (Carter took favorite doe of the day pretty handily).