Elite Doe
Purebred white, DOB: 03/2014
S: +*B SG Tempo Desani
D: SGCH Lone Thistle Quillian Q 4*M
Purebred white with waddles, DOB: 02/2015
S: +*B SG Lone Thistle Presto
D: SGCH Tempo Elena 7*M
American white, DOB: 03/2016
S: *B Barnowl Occult
D: SG Barnowl Quatchi Q
Elite Doe
American black sundgau, DOB: 03/2016
S: +*B SG Barnowl Copperfield
D: SGCH Barnowl Aurelia 2*M
Recorded Grade red chamoisee, DOB: 02/2017
S: *B Barnowl Occult
D: GCH Barnowl Red Bliss 6*M
American cream, DOB: 03/2017
S: +*B Barnowl Blade
D: SG Barnowl Ambrosia *M
Purebred white with waddles, DOB: 01/2017
S: *B Huricane-PM SW Eclipse Q
D: Barnowl Edelina
Purebred white with wattles, DOB: 03/2018
S: Barnowl Aero
D: Barnowl Yulia 8*M
Purebred belted chocolate sundgau, DOB: 07/2018
S: *B Lone Thistle Bastille
D: SGCH Barnowl Magical Encore 3*M
Purebred cream, DOB: 07/2018
S: *B Lone Thistle Bastille
D: SGCH Barnowl Magical Encore 3*M
Purebred white, DOB: 02/2020
S: *B Barnowl Qamar
D: Barnowl Aquilina
Purebred chamoisee, DOB: 03/2020
S: *B Barnowl Qamar
D: SG Lone Thistle Quads Q 5*M (Elite)
American black, DOB: 03/2020
S: *B Tempo Montreal
D: SGCH Barnowl Charmed 2*M
American red with black markings, DOB: 03/2020
S: *B Tempo Phenix Rising
D: GCH Barnowl Red Ecstasy 7*M