Retired Animals
American chamoisee, DOB: 02/2013
S: +*B Kastdemur’s Honor
D: SGCH Barnowl Bewitched *M
Semen Available!
2014 ALC All American 5&6 year old (tie)
American black/white, DOB: 05/2009
S: ++*B SG Tempo Liggety
D: Barnowl Aphrodite
2014 ALC All-American 4-year old (tie)
American chocolate and white, DOB: 06/2010
S: ++*B SG Barnowl Quantum Leap
D: SGCH Barnowl Bewitched *M
2015 Washington State Fair Champion
Recorded Grade Oberhasli/LaMancha, DOB: 04/2011
S: +*B Barnowl Anteros
D: SGCH White-Haven Solace 6*M
2015 ALC District VII LaMancha Specialty Champion
Purebred spotted black and white, DOB: 03/2012
S: +*B Barnowl Blade
D: SGCH Barnowl Quaffle
2018 Oregon State Fair Champion
Recorded Grade black and tan sundgau, DOB: 03/2015
S: +*B SG Lone Thisle Presto
D: GCH Barnowl Red Bliss 7*M