Barnowl Quasara

Purebred cream, DOB: 04/2018

Show Records

  • Junior Champion & BJDIS, SWWDGA Show 2019

Sire: *B Barnowl Path of Totality
SS: *B Huricane-PM SW Eclipse Q
SD: SGCH Barnowl Magical Encore 3*M
Dam: SGCH Barnowl Quivira Q *M
DS: *B Barnowl Occult
DD: SG Barnowl Quatchi Q 
ADGA Genetics Pedigree

Quasara is an exciting combination of Quivira and Encore, two of our three fancy white does that truly soared during the 2018 show season. She’s a more moderate size doe compared to her dam and doesn’t (yet) have the same stand-out, larger-than-life structure, but she still is fancy enough and balances the scorecard well enough to have picked up a junior championship and a best junior doe in show at her first show out as a dry yearling in 2019. We also kept her littermate brother, Qamar, whose first kids will be on the ground in summer 2019. 

Qamar has been blowing us out of the water with easily the most consistent, stylish kid crop we’ve seen since the Takh days. Meanwhile Quasara has had some bad luck, first a miscarriage and then a late summer freshening with mastitis. Although we thankfully got it pretty quickly under control it has left her teats mishapen, but still her tight attachments all around coupled with her exceptional general appearance will keep her off the sales list for the foreseeable future. 

Part of our 2023 herd reduction sale, this is potentially the hardest doe to add to that list. She just exudes opportunity.